Shimla To Manali Distance By Road, Train, Bus, Car & Flight

How To Reach Manali From Shimla

Do you stay in Shimla? Are you planning to travel from Shimla to Manali to spend a happy time? Well, you must explore Manali to its fullest. But, before you plan your tour to Manali, you must gather the entire information related to the Shimla to Manali distance and modes of transport available for you to travel to Manali from Shimla.

Shimla To Manali Distance By Road

Shimla To Manali Distance By Road, Train, Bus, Car & Flight

Distance from Shimla to Manali via NH205 & NH3

Shimla to Manali distance by road is approximately 250 km. Shimla to Manali travel time is approximately 8 hours by road. This road route is the fastest and most popular route between Shimla and Manali. You can try this route to explore.

Regular travelers use this route as well since there is very little traffic on the Shimla-Manali roads. However, you should expect heavy traffic during peak tourist season (March to December or May to December). To know about the condition of the Shimla-Manali road, it is advised to check live traffic updates before you travel. The Shimla to Manali travel guide can also help you to understand this route.

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Shimla To Manali Distance By Train

There is no direct train from Shimla or Manali and there is only one train route that connects Shimla to Manali, that is Kalka. To reach Kalka you can take a train from Shimla to Kalka, but to reach Manali from Kalka, you’ll need to either drive or take a bus. So, to cover Shimla to Manali distance by train, you need to take indirect trains.

Shimla to Kalka trains run less often and take longer than the highway. To get information about Shimla to Manali train timings, please check with Indian Railways. Shimla to Manali train route via Kalka is the most popular route. You can also check on for Shimla to Manali train ticket price and for Shimla to Manali train booking.

Shimla To Manali By Bus

Shimla to Manali Volvo bus is the best mode of transport to travel to Manali. Shimla to Manali bus distance is approximately 237 km. Furthermore, Shimla to Manali bus timing is between 08:15 and 09:40. Want to know about Shimla to Manali bus fare? Well, depending on the type of bus and operator, Shimla to Manali bus ticket price varies from Rs 630.0  to Rs 799.0.

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Shimla To Manali Distance By Car, Taxi

Shimla to Manali distance by car is approximately 248 km and it takes around 6 hours and 52 minutes to drive from Shimla and Manali. Many of our customers book a taxi from Shimla to Manali. This package includes a package of taxi from Shimla to Manali. Furthermore, Shimla to Manali car rental packages is approximately Rs 2500 to Rs 3600 per person.

Manali is a beautiful tourist destination where you can have a happy time with your family and friends. You can hire a Shimla-to-Manali taxi to visit the tourist attractions in the region. Read our guide on the best time to visit Manali for snowfall.

You can see stunning scenery on a road trip between Shimla and Manali. You can have hassle-free, enjoyable travel at a reasonable price. If you need a cab service, you can book a cab from Shimla to Manali at any time you want. To travel from Shimla or Manali, you can book a cab online at redBus.

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Hire a Shimla-to-Manali taxi at one of the Shimla-to-Manali car rental companies—book on rYde to get attractive discounts and special deals. The cost of booking an outstation taxi will vary depending on when, where, and what vehicle you choose to travel from Shimla To Manali. You can also book a Manali-to-Shimla taxi on Ryde.

Any time of year, you can find a cab to take you from Shimla or Manali and you can modify your tour package depending on your requirements. You can also search for cabs and taxis at different prices. You can choose to book a sedan, hatchback, or SUV depending on your needs. There are many types of auto models listed on Ryde. Swift Dzire and Innova are just a few. You can also check out the rating of each taxi before making a reservation. All drivers at Ryde have a friendly attitude. So, you only need to search for Shimla to Manali car fare at this portal.

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Shimla To Manali By Flight

The best way to travel from Shimla to Manali is by flight as Shimla to Manali distance by flight is approximately 126 km. Indigo, Spicejet, Jet Airways, Air India and Go Air are the most popular airlines from Shimla (Nearest Airport Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport), to Manali (Nearest Airport Bhuntar).

There are many options available if you’re looking for a Shimla-Manali flight. In fact, many well-respected airlines offer direct and indirect flights from Shimla to Manali. Alliance Air is one of them. Only 1 airline operates direct flights out of these. Although they may take longer travel times, indirect flights are generally cheaper than direct flights. So, make sure to check Shimla to Manali flight ticket price on online travel websites

MakeMyTrip offers great discounts and deals on booking online for your favorite destinations. You can also check the status and flight schedule for your return Manali-Shimla flight tickets online. On an economy flight from Shimla to Manali, you can bring up to 7kg of cabin baggage and up to 15 kg of checked-in luggage. Shimla-Manali Air India Flight permits 7kg cabin baggage and 20kg check-in luggage per passenger.

Flying is a great option for tourists who want to travel less and have more time to enjoy Manali. So, start searching for Shimla to Manali flight time & ticket price now!


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